
Saturday, November 14, 2015


Workout Stats:
1:41:53 time
690 (polar) 478 (Fitbit) Calories
128 Avg HR
172 Max HR
41:46 In zone

Daily Stats (Fitbit):
54 Resting HR
6,992 Steps
2.94 Miles
2,018 Calories burned
15 Floors
69 Active mins
98.0 Basel temp

Consumed food/calories:
Before workout-
Peanut butter granola bar/190
After workout-
Chocolate Vega one shake(1/2 scoop)/85
1/2 bagel/135
1 TBSP of peanut butter/95
Morning Snack 1-
1 Cheese stick/60
Morning Snack 2-
1 cup of Greek yogurt 0%/140
Whole made Chicken noodle soup/89
Afternoon snack 1-
1/2 apple/58
1 TBSP of peanut butter/95
Afternoon snack 2-
3 strips of bacon/132
1/4 cup of Hamburger meat/85
1/4 cup of lettuce/2
2 TBSP of Salsa/10
3 taco shells/150

1,438 total calories/1,200 target calories

Daily water-(9) 32 oz bottles

Cardio warm up:
Plyometric Cardio Circuit (length about 41 mins)

PIYO Drench (Length about 48 mins)

What you need:
Yoga mat
*Shoes-I did this workout without shoes and I felt that i needed more stability for my ankles and knees. Recommendation is to wear shoes.

Warm up (3:58):
Set 1
circle arms and squat
side bend (right) circle arms
circle arms and squat
side bend (Left)

Set 2
pull back lunge (right)
pull back lunge (left)

Do set 1 and set 2 together

Set 3
PIYO cross/round/open (right) step over left
PIYO cross/round/open (left) Step over right

Do set 1, set 2 and set 3 together.

Set 4- Fan arms up, fold, half lift, relax, bend (right and left knee/repeat)
Hands to the floor and roll up

 Do Set 1, set 2, set 3 and set 4 together. Relax stretch.

Heat (5:46)
Set 1
Tricep push up (5)
Down dog
crouching down dog

Set 2
Runner lunge (right side)
Runners lunge (left side)

Set 3
Fan arms up, fold, half lift, Plank, chaturunga, up dog, down dog, step in right left, repeat.

Set 4
Lunge back twice(right leg)
Lunge back twice (left leg)
Fan arms up, fold, half lift
Repeat Set 1 without crouching down dog (step in right left)

Set 5
Windmill (right)
windmill (left)
Fan arms up, fold, half lift

Repeat Set 3
Repeat Set 4
Repeat set 5
Repeat set 3
Repeat set 4
Repeat set 1 without crouching down dog
Repeat set 5

step back right and then left hold
fan up, fold, half lift

Legs (8:11)-You can add ankle weights here to give more resistance

Fan arms up, fold, half lift, plank

Set 1
right leg low lunge
lift and lower
lift left knee
warrior 3/back to right leg low lunge
Switch sides and repeat
Repeat both sides and again and again

Plank, chaturunga, up dog, down dog, step in right left, roll up

Set 2
Right leg running lunge/toe taps, then tap hand on floor and lift, knee lifts, straight leg lift
Right bowlers lunge and tap toe, hand tap, hand tap and knee lift, hand tap and sweep arms
Bowlers lunges on both sides (repeat a few times)
Switch legs and repeat set 2
Bowlers lunges on both sides (repeat a few times)
Wide squats

Plank & core (5:54)

Set 1
Scoop abs, walk it out to plank
three Tricep push ups
Walk it back and roll up

Set 2
Scoop abs, walk it out to plank
lift right leg then lower
Lift left leg then lower
three Tricep push ups
Walk it back and roll up

Set 3
Scoop abs, walk it out to plank
elbow plank with wide leg stance
alternating arm lifts  (you could do punches as well)
down dog

Set 4
down dog Splits (right leg)
Knee to elbow
leg extend
repeat a few times
Hold down dog splits
down dog
walk it up

Set 5
Scoop abs, walk it out to plank
Right knee to elbow then left knee to elbow
1 Tricep push up
Walk it back up

Repeat Set 3
Repeat Set 4 on Left leg
Down dog
walk feet up to your hands/roll shoulders up

Power (3:27)

Set 1
wide squats
Bowlers lunges (right to left)
Step tap bowlers (right to left)
Arm reach/pull down bowlers (right to left)

 Set 2
Step back lunges with Knee raise and jumps (Right leg) repeat many times
Step back lunges with Knee raise and jumps (Left leg) repeat many times

Set 3
wide squat hand touch
wide squat pulses with hand touch
wide squat pulses with hand touch and jumps
Sumo burpes
Sumo pulses

Beast & Kick Thrusts (2:12)

Set 1
Beast (bent knee down dog) with hand touches (right to left)
right hip to beast to left hip to beast
right hip with leg lift to beast to left hip with leg lift to beast
Tempo (repeat many times)
hold beast
child pose

Flow (13:16)

Set 1
high lunge or crescent pose (arms lift and lower) (right leg forward)
warrior 2 with arm presses in and out
Right angle down and lift (you can do bounded warrior here)
triangle and circling arms
Repeat multiple times

Set 2
Runners lunge (right leg) with pulses
Sweep leg back
hold and flex abs
side plank with PLYO flips
Repeat multiple times

Set 3
Repeat set 1 and set 2 on right leg multiple times
Down dog hold

Do set 1, set 2 and set 3 on left leg

Stretch & Strength (5:16)

Set 1
Lift right leg in down dog splits
Bend knee
down dog
Lift left leg in down dog splits
bend knee
down dog

Set 2
Tricep push ups
Pigeon on right leg
Pigeon on Left leg

Set 3
Elbow plank (lift right leg and left leg)
Runners lunge (right leg) -You can do splits here
Runners lunge (left leg) -You can do splits here
Wide plank with wide push ups
walk hands to feet

Straddle stretch
Hands to floor and walk feet in
roll up and roll shoulders back
fan up, fold and half lift, roll up

This workout was one of the best so far in the PIYO line up. I felt challenged and engaged in what was on the screen. I sweated a lot, it is called drenched after all. There were many areas to be challenged in this work out and advanced options as well to push your limits. It definitely gave a great workout and i will keep it on my list of great total body workouts.

Hope you will join me again for workout day 13.

© Hooking Rainbows 11/14/2015. All rights reserved.

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