A quick easy beginner sewing project for all. My son needed a nap set for his preschool. It had to be a small pillow, small blanket and crib sheet. My son uses normal adult size blankets and pillows so, I didn't have these just laying around my house. I felt like buying them would be expensive. However, I had all the materials to make the set so, i decided to do just that.
What you need:
Fleece fabric (one solid and one print) 38 inches wide by 60 inches long
Semi stretchy cotton fabric 46 inches wide by 70 inches long
Cotton fabric 21 inches wide by 21 inches long
2 yards of 1/4 inch elastic
Safety pin
1/2 bag of stuffing to fill pillow
Sewing machine
1. Cut all fabric to size
2. Start with pillow- turn fabric inside out and pin together three sides. Sew three sides (about 1 inch), leaving forth side open for stuffing
Turn right side out and stuff pillow with stuffing until desired size. Pin fourth side and sew together.
3. Blanket-Turn fabric inside out and pin three side together leaving forth side open.
Sew three side together and turn right side out. Pin fourth side and sew together.
4. Crib sheet-Cut out 9 by 9 squares in the corners of the fabric.
Pin and sew corners together
Fold and pin edges. Sew around edges leaving 1 inch open and leaving room to pull through elastic.
Pull through elastic and tie off and sew ends together. Move elastic so it is evenly distributed in the crib sheet. And you are done!

Hope you enjoyed my quick nap set tutorial. Now off to work on my cupcake quilt/tutorial.
© Hooking Rainbows 11/15/2015. All rights reserved.
ReplyDeleteThis would be cute to make for Parker while you are recuperating We Are s o glad you are ok. Your mother told Dad it was over & everything went well. Love ya', Lynn